This summer has been crazy! I haven't had much time to bring anything "new" to Primary, but that's the beauty of flexible Singing Time visuals. I've used Bubble Gum Bessie and the Ice Cream Punch Board a lot lately. Hey... what child doesn't love, love, love to punch a punch board? These tried and true visuals have been lifesavers. I also appreciate that the initial effort put into them is totally worth it.
For whatever reason, I have become suddenly aware that some of the songs we have been working on are too high for me to sing. I have found myself {squeaking} quite frequently through Dare to Do Right and Life Is O'erflowing. A while back, someone in my ward had mentioned (and I think I've read it on another blog...) that you can change the key of most Hymns and songs in the Children's Songbook easily (I love easy) on, so I thought I would give it a try.
I can't figure out how to post the actual finished key change for the song Dare to Do Right without scanning it, so I thought I would just share how to do it.
Go to
Click on MENU, then click on MUSIC (in the STUDY column)
Again click MUSIC - it should bring up a drop down list, then click on INTERACTIVE CHURCH MUSIC PLAYER
Find the song you would like to key change (listed alphabetically), and click on it. It will pull up the song as it is found in the Songbook.
In the column to the left of the song, find the box that says KEY
You can reset the key by clicking the up and down arrows (if you are musically talented, you can also select the key of your choice by clicking the small arrow next to the given key, and a drop down menu will come up). I took Dare to Do Right down a couple steps to the key of C - no sharps or flats, so I figured it would be an easy change for our pianist, too.
Once you are satisfied with the key of the song, simply click PRINT.
Great tip thanks for all of your help and ideas