I promised we would play again this week. But I definitely need to make it a bit more challenging, especially for those Sr. Primary smarty pants. But this week I plan to focus on learning our Mother's Day song,
Mother, Tell Me the Story.
I love this game because it is so simple, yet the kids have fun with it. I try to grab cheap, nerdy glasses whenever I see them (the dollar store is the best) -- the kids LOVE to have a good selection to choose from. I select a child to choose a pair, then I tape a word from the song we are learning on to the top of the glasses. The Primary is instructed NOT to sing that word in the song (I have the helper leave the room momentarily in Jr. Primary so I can tell the children who can't read what the word is). After we have sung through the song, the helper then tells us what he or she thinks the word is. Like I said, simple. But it makes repeating a song 4 or 5 times much more fun.
I plan to teach both verses of our Mother's Day song, with a mere two weeks to do it. I have asked one of our Primary teachers to sing the part of the mother when we sing it in Sacrament Meeting, but will have the teachers sing that part as we practice. I have confidence that the children will learn quickly, practice earnestly, and sing beautifully.
I did this today and in Senior Primary, I let the kids choose a helper to come up and write down a word to leave out. It allowed for more kids to help, and they ended up choosing some words that were more difficult than I expected. I found I wasn't very good at this and had to literaly cover my mouth when the word came. It ended up a good thing and they all copied me and we didn't have the accidental call outs. Great idea. It really held their attention.