I am up SUPER late tonight (yes, I have church at 9am) finishing up a couple of flip charts for some Christmas music. I totally justify the use of these little babies because:
1) I've been singing church hymns my entire life (my years are not a few, btw), and I still need help with the words for most songs. Ya gotta love a hymnal.
2) It took me 9 years of Primary singing when I was very young to learn and internalize the words of a few select songs, so having words and pictures constantly provided can only be helpful, especially to those kids that are only in their 1st through 6th-or-so year.
3) Those Primary kids haven't sung these Christmas songs for at least 11 months.
Flip charts are amazing.
Even if I'm up until 2am making them (did I mention it's been a busy week?).
Here are the links for the two I put together this evening:
Picture a Christmas
That Night in the Stable
I think tomorrow I will take my nativity set, put stickers on the bottom of each piece with a song on it (or a "you choose"), and let the kids try to complete the scene. Simple, easy, and all I can do this week ;-)
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