Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hum Your Favorite Hymn

The first month I was called to be the Primary chorister, I sat down and read through the entire 2011 Outline for Sharing Time.  I am an organizer (you wouldn't guess by my house), and ambitiously felt the need to plot out a tentative schedule for Singing Time through December (I was called in May).  I plugged in Reverence songs, Birthday songs, Baptism songs, the works.  It has turned out to be a huge time-saver for me, and gives me a great starting point each week.  So, I was surprised when I recently read this post, because I had planned to teach the children in my Primary Hum Your Favorite Hymn this month also.  I had scheduled to start it a couple of weeks ago (it's a tentative schedule, remember), but The Lord Gave Me a Temple has been super challenging for our Primary to learn (for whatever reason), and I didn't want to try and throw in another tricky optional-not-on-the-program song.  AND last week was our Ward Conference, so I ended up with only 5 minutes of Singing Time in Sr. Primary anyway.

But Di inspired me.

And the Primary counselor responsible for Sharing Time this month called yesterday and asked if I would like more time this week, since I was cut short last week.  Nice.

I'm going for it.  Probably just with Sr. Primary for now.

I'm loving the flip chart (gotta love those old Mormonads!)... I hope the kids will too (-:

Hum Your Favorite Hymn

BTW - being a newbie at flip charts (and NOT tech-savvy), I do not know how to make a complete flip chart layout that is ready-to-print.  You will most likely need to print each page individually (like I do), and manually flip it over to print on the back IF you decide to use the one I made.  And re-print the chorus pages for the second verse.  My apologies for the inconvenience ;-)


  1. Wow! A great flipchart, love the use of Mormonads--thanks!

  2. You saved the day! I just got called and your blog is a treasure trove. Thank you for sharing your talents and ideas.
